Welcome to MatterApi’s Documentation

A python client library for accessing the Mattermost API with sync/async support.


Be aware that this library is autogenerated from the API documentation. And the documentation is not perfect. There are still the occasional hiccups which might result in wrong handling of e.g. return values

Getting Started

The client has synch and async support. Depending on your workflow you will want to choose between the Synchronous Client and Asynchronous Client.

Take a look at Getting Started to get an example of how to use them in your projects.


Credits where credits are due:

  • This library is autogenerated from the Mattermost API documentation using a fork of openapi-python-client.

  • It’s heavily inspired by (but not a 1:1 drop-in replacement for) mattermostdriver, which I used for several years already. This is your go-to if you look for something stable.

Indices and tables